Food cards from Slovenia, PR event
Cooking bloggers from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Italy and Austria was in Ptuj, on the 24th of May 24. Ptuj is known in Slovenia as the capital of the best chicken. Bloggers grilled chickens and martinated chicken meat under the chef Dejan Mastnak.
Ingredients of the best picnic in Ptuj:
Picnic product line without additives from Perutnina Ptuj, grill Weber, wine accompaniment from Ptuj cellar and excellent company.
Location of event:
The south courtyard of the Dominican monastery in Ptuj, from where the views are on Ptuj and river Drava, while vineyard Haloze raises in the background; on the eastern side one of the slopes glistens the city of Borl, with three peaks represents Donačka gora, and on the west side we can see the silhouette of the pilgrimage church on Ptujska gora.