Health and hygiene

Even though poultry is considered to be non-demanding and easy to prepare, it is important how you prepare it if you wish for you meal to be safe.


Hygiene as number one priority

Hygiene is the foundation of safe food preparation. It is important you prepare each meal with clean hands on clean working surfaces.

  • Wash your hands with soap under warm running water. Repeat the procedure several times during and after the preparation.
  • Use a detergent and hot running water to wash all kitchen utensils, cutlery, containers, chopping boards and working surfaces which have been in contact with raw meat to prevent the appearance and development of dangerous bacteria.
  • Make sure the juice of fresh poultry does not drip in your refrigerator. In case this happens wipe the surface immediately.
  • Experts recommend using a different set of chopping boards, plates and utensils for raw and cooked meat to prevent the transfer of bacteria from raw to cooked meat, where they have already been destroyed by heat treatment.
  • Cut the poultry in four, six or eight pieces according to its size (halve the very small chickens). Use a knife or poultry shears.