Poli marathon 2018



poli maraton

This year, cyclists alco could take the route, 52 and 21 kilometers long, while the children cycle on a 2 kilometer long Poli Snack Marathon.

The most numerous participants was the Perutnina Ptuj team, but we refused the award. So the numerous team prize won the Talum team, which included 453 cyclists. The oldest cyclist was Franc Turk, born in 1932, and the oldest cyclist Nežka Medved, who will compete this year for 90 years and participates in all 16th Pole marathons. The prize for the youngest biker was given to Vivi Oblak, a 7-year old who has traveled the 52-kilometer route this year for the second time, and also five small children born in 2017 who were registered at this year's Poli marathon. The prize for the most attractive cyclist was received by Rudolf Maurer, a co-worker from Perutnina Austria, who left for Vienna on the Poli marathon three days before the start of the cycling event.


All participants of the Poli marathon received wide culinary offer in the event tent and Poli animation for the youngest.

In the company of popular and entertaining animators, the youngest visitors learned the road traffic regulations in a playful manner, participated in a special movement program designed to promote a healthy lifestyle, were refreshed with delicious Polidog's.

Poli marathon is also an excellent opportunity to promote Ptuj and its surroundings as a popular tourist destination and to promote the region's most recognizable brand POLI through the values ​​that it embodies: love for recreational sports, optimism and joy to live.


You can view all the photos in

photogallery on www.poli.si/poli-maraton/foto/2018/
but on the Facebook page Nori na Poli: www.facebook.com/PoliSlovenija/

We also signed in on Instagram ;-): # #norinapoli