The 'Selected Quality - Slovenia' designation tells the consumer that the entire production takes place in Slovenia
The following interview talks about the importance of buying locally produced and processed food.
We talked to Brigita Vindiš Zelenko, Director of PC Live Production and PC Krmila in Perutnina Ptuj, about how well-embedded into the local socio-economic sphere PP is. We were mainly interested in the vertically-integrated production (from field to fork) and into how conscious consumers the Slovenians are in regard to the “Selected Quality” scheme.
The following interview talks about the importance of buying locally produced and processed food.
Could you first briefly describe how your company is embedded in the local environment and the economy. How do you cooperate with your contract breeders involved in the "Selected Quality" scheme?
Perutnina Ptuj is a vertically-organized company. Meaning, we produce part of our own raw material for the production of compound feed. We have our own breeding flock to produce hatching eggs, as well as our own hatchery with day-old chickens which are later in the process housed by contract breeders. The entire cycle, from field to fork, takes place in our company, from rearing and meat processing to producing final products that can be enjoyed by our customers.
How many contract breeders or farms are you supplied by and where do they come from? Do you only buy meat from contract breeders included in the "Selected Quality" scheme from your region or do you buy also from other parts of Slovenia?
As a producer of poultry meat we rear chickens and turkeys. In the process of meat production about 250 breeders are included in both categories. The distance of our breeders is approximately 100 km from our processing plants, which are located in Ptuj (chickens) and in Ljubljana (turkeys). The farms are dispersed in the natural environment of the Primorska, Gorenjska, Dolenjska and Štajerska regions.
How are poultry meat producers integrated in the chain from a contract breeder to the final product?
As mentioned earlier, we are a fully vertically-integrated company. Our work starts in the field with the production of raw materials, we control the entire process (from parent flock, production of hatching eggs, own hatchery, own feed mill, to contract breeding and to slaughtering and meat processing in our own plants).
Do you think that close cooperation with contract breeders from your region who are included in the "Selected Quality" scheme can bring about an increased demand for the products with the above-mentioned label?
Of course, the consumer gains important information that the entire process from field to fork has been carried out in Slovenia, including the production of feed materials. It is our goal to emphasize that the entire production takes place in Slovenia, that chickens are born, bred and slaughtered here. Moreover, poultry sector is a positive exception as we have all come to an agreement that even animal feed should be produced in Slovenia.
What are in your opinion the advantages of cooperation with contract breeders from your region?
The biggest advantage is that our contract breeders are smaller compared to the rest of the world, as there are 15,000 to 30,000 animals in one facility. This means that chicken rearing in Slovenia is dispersed and the farmer managing the facility has a much better overview of the animals which are also accustomed to the presence of people. The farmer masters the breeding process because he is in constant contact with his animals. Abroad chicken farms are much larger, housing 100 000 or 200,000 animals. Local production is important because it has a great impact on the animal welfare, reduced food miles, as well as local farms are smaller and consequently animal-friendly.
How well-acquainted are Slovenian consumers with the "Selected Quality - Slovenia" designation on meat products?
The campaign which directly addresses the consumer has already succeeded in raising the awareness of the significance of locally produced food and of the "Selected Quality - Slovenia" label as people already recognize the benefits of being informed about whether the product has been produced and processed in Slovenia. Previously, as having also foreign producers, the consumer could not have possibly known whether a meat product was done by a foreign producer in Slovenia or the meat was imported and only cut or packed in our country. I think this designation brings a lot of recognition to the fact that the meat having it is actually produced and processed in Slovenia.
How does this chain from a contract breeder to a meat processing company boost local economy?
It is a great advantage – if we eat locally produced and processed food, we will also jointly contribute to an increased employment rate in the local environment, new jobs, growth of companies and thus greater purchasing power ... The more money it is in circulation, the better is our country’s market power. This can be achieved by choosing Slovenian products and thus boosting our own production and achieving self-sufficiency.
Of course, it is also of great importance for the local environment. Due to whopping number of local people employed in the company (more than 1,400 employees) and about 250 farmers, altogether more than 5,000 people from the local area depend on our production.
Please describe briefly how you cooperate with your contract breeders?
The cooperation with our contract breeders is very intensive and crucial. We plan the rearing process for the breeders, provide them with day-old chickens, animal feed, we are responsible for the veterinary and technological support, as well as the transport and the removal of reared animals ... The whole cycle is within the competence of the company. We also prepare regular annual training and educational programs for our contract breeders in all areas, we take care of the entire coordination (meetings with the management of cooperatives, etc.) and of everything necessary for current operations and for the preparation of the strategy for the next period - we do this in cooperation with the breeders who are the essential part of our company. Without our breeders our company does not exist. This vertical chain and all its key links must always be sound and solid. Cooperation is therefore crucial.
What cooperation has your company established with traders?
The cooperation with traders is mostly in the domain of our sales teams. It is important that traders are well-acquainted with what we are doing, especially now when they themselves are part of the "Selected Quality" scheme. It is essential that this cooperation is really intertwined, because it is the trader who directly addresses the consumers and communicates with them. If their goal is to offer quality meat on their shelves, this is the key to success. All major retail chains in Slovenia work with suppliers of meat labeled "Selected Quality - Slovenia". They are increasingly oriented towards offering locally-made products to final consumers.
How many shops are you supplying with meat labeled "Selected Quality - Slovenia"?
All meat and meat products of Picnic, Gurman, Puran, Natur and Natur Premium product range have the above-mentioned designation. We are also the only producer of turkey meat of Slovenian origin having designation "Selected Quality - Slovenia". In this segment, too, all parts of the process from field to fork take place in Slovenia,s in cooperation with 36 breeders. The farms are dispersed in the natural environment of the Primorska, Gorenjska, Dolenjska and Štajerska regions. Poultry meat with the "Selected Quality - Slovenia" designation can be found on the shelves of all major retailers as well as in the retail chain of Perutnina Ptuj.